
Archive for Events – Page 9

End of Summer Dance

Future dancers.

Congratulations to Charlene Williams on the birth of her grandson.

Congratulations to Bob & Vicky Cornish on the birth of their grandson.

Short Meeting & Dance on August 25th at Rockwells.

There will be a short membership meeting at 4:30 before the dance.

See the calendar for details.

Non-members can not vote at the meeting but are welcome to come and learn what has been going on and what are the plans for the future.   The dancing begins at 5:00.


Country Dance Day @ Quassy BBQ, Demos, Lessons,Dancing

Tickets are available in advance only.  Deadline is  Sept. 1st.  Send a self-addressed stamped envelope with a check to :  NEWDA ,    PO BOX 865, Southbury, CT 06488

Thank You to all who helped us Keep Smiling on 8/11

Thank you to Aric Lemieux for filling in for Dennis Bosse as our DJ.  We are happy that Dennis is well and is active again.  Thank you also to Lynn Janco, Lynne Flanders and Barbara Prindle for  donations to the dessert table/counter.                                                              Thank you also for the raffle and door prizes donated by Lynne Flanders, Barbara P. , Lynn Janco and Pat Filinsky.                                Best of all everyone danced.

Dancing makes you smile.

Keep Smiling Dance Sunday August 11th

Please Join Us at Rockwells on Woodford in Plainville, CT- It’s National Smile Week!
Our DJ Dennis Bosse & Instructor Tammy Bosse will keep smiles on your faces & keep your feet happy.
Rockwells is a BYO (everything) venue with
a LARGE floor and great A/C
NEWDA will provide Free coffee and tea all evening.
Your donations to our raffle & dessert/snack tables
are always appreciated!
$9 members, $11 non-members


The Fun Dance on July 21st was lively with a great crowd

As always thank you to the members Barb Prindle, Joanne Lynn, Betty Baia, Jean Dews and Charlene Williams who donate to the dessert table. 






Also thank you to Charlene Williams, Barbara Prindle, Joanne Lynn, Lynne Flanders, Jean Dews, Sheryl & Aric and Nicole & Jacques for the raffle donations.








Wow, the hall was filled.

Matt Collins kept everyone dancing, both couples and lines.  Lynne Flanders taught Cabana Boy and it left everyone smiling.


Join us for a Fun Dance Afternoon and Evening

The Summer Fling Dance


We welcomed Paula Frohn we were all happy to see you and Michael Silva played every song on our list. 






As always everyone was very generous with donations of food, door prizes and raffle prizes.