Good thoughts and prayers to Lynn Janco.
We have missed having John & Ginny on our dance floors. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the family of Ginny Ferrucci.
Congratulations to Millie Gagne and Tammy Bosse and their families on the birth of their new (Great) Grand Daughter.
Congratulations to Jill Weiss on the birth or her grandson Zachary.
Condolences to Lynn Janco on the passing of her Aunt/GodMother.
Sympathy goes out to Bob Cornish on the loss of his father.
Sympathy also to Lynn Janco on the passing of her father.
Glad to hear that Dennis Ringsted is improving after his surgery.
Dennis & Lyn Ringsted need a little sunshine. Dennis is very ill and in the cardiac ICU…he will need extensive open hear surgery. Your prayers are appreciated.