
Archive for News – Page 13

April 27th volunteers, donations, helpers…Thank You!

  Many of the members and non-members helped out in the Victorian Room before, during and after the dance.  It made the night go smoothly and added to the fun. 

 There were baseball door prizes and baseball candy. Hats were on each table to encourage dancers to get with the theme.  Thanks Lynne for the donation of all the “baseball” caps. 
















Charlene made the coffee and set up the dessert table with donations of food provided by Joanne L., Lynne F., Barbara P., Gail R., Char W., Betty P. and Pat K.







 Great raffle prizes were donated by Pat K., Barbara P., Joanne L., Aric & Sheryl, and Lynne F. (also at the last dance thank you to Margaret P. for her raffle prize).






 Greg Van Zilen, our DJ, and Sam his wife taught the partner lesson “Love You All Over” to Lovin’ You is Fun by Easton Corbin.

Thank you to all the unnamed helpers.  You help is valued and appreciated.  Find us on Facebook for more pictures.







Dance with us at a new venue on May 4th.

Saturday May 4, 2013      7:00pm until 11:00pm

*St. Peter’s Episcopal Church 421 Oxford Road, Oxford, CT 06478*

 May 4th is “Renewal Day” & “Star Wars Day”|
Dance with DJ Aaron DeMarest
Mini Lesson with Laurel Curtiss
BYO.. All drinks & food (no hard alcohol please)
NEWDA will provide FREE coffee/tea
Please bring Snacks & Desserts to share.
Raffle Donations are always appreciated.
Door Prizes

 A great wood floor for dancing.
Cover: $9 members – $11 non-members




Smiles all around at our Carousel Dance.

In addition to dancing many rode the Carousel including our President Lynne.

We also had some  younger non-members who attended.  The Carousel Museum brought out new dancers and non-dancers.

 The age range was fantastic at this dance and everyone was smiling.

Thanks to our DJ Dennis and our Instructor Tammy the dancers were out on the beautiful wood floor all the time and had lots of room to dance.

 And last but not least a very big thank you to Joanne L., Paula F., Mike G., Lynne F., Barbara P., Ann S., Millie G. and other people for donating to our dessert table.  Also thanks to Barbara P., Mike G., Lynne F., Paula F., and Millie G. for Raffle/Door Prizes donations.

Aprit 14th Dance – Carousel Museum

There will be a dance on Sunday, April 14th at the Carousel Museum

Music and lessons provided by Steps & Sounds – DJ Dennis Bosse and Dance Instructor Tammy Bosse

Dancing starts at 12:00 noon until 4:00 PM
Come on down and enjoy the museum (must pay admission for the museum) and a discounted entry to the dance.

Details in flyer..

NEWDA at the Carousel Museum

Another successful dance was held on March 17th.

Thank you for the Raffle Donations.

The green St. Patrick’s Day table held lots of donations and as you can see everyone got in the spirit of the day.  Thanks to Joanne L., Lynn J. and Lynne F. and anyone else who did not put their name on the donation list for their donations. 

It was great to have Lynne Flanders back on the dance floor teaching.   Lynne taught “Back in the Day” choreographed by Dan Albro to music by same by Jessta James. 

We extend a big Welcome to DJ Matt Collins as this was his first time DJing for NEWDA and he got rave reviews. 





Added a page for dances taught

Look under the “Calendar” menu item for the link to the “Dances Taught” page.


Join us on St. Patrick’s Day

The March 3rd fun dance afternoon was delightful.

Thank you Aric for being our DJ and for the “5 minute teach” at the beginning of the dance.


Thank you to Lynne F., Aric L., Sheryl M., Lynn J., Joanne L., Barb P., Charlene W. and Margaret P. for the great raffle prizes.  

The dessert table was tempting thanks to Lynne F, Lynn J, Barb P, Joanne L, Eileen G, Charlene W, Ginny M, Anna Marie L, Tammy & Sharon R.







Thank you Millie Gagne for teaching the partner dance “Rolling Rivers”  (see links below)

Rolling Rivers Step Sheet

 Line dance Rivers of Babylon that goes to the same song. This was not taught but is a lot of fun.



April 14th more than a Dance

Sunday, April 14th  join us at: The New England Carousel Museum
95 Riverside Ave (Rte 72), Bristol, CT
(extra parking across the street)

DJ / Inst = Dennis Bosse / Tammy Bosse

Dance = noon >4pm


Lesson @ 12:30
Museum is open noon >5pm

Entrance to the Carousel Museum, Museum of Fire History, Art Gallery & Gift Shop is $6 (extra $1 to ride the carousel) 
Additional Entrance to the Ballroom for our Dance = $3 member / $5 non (door prizes)   


BYO… (All drinks & food) – We will provide FREE coffee/tea the whole time
Please bring Snacks & Desserts to share.
Raffle donations greatly appreciated


St. Patrick’s Party March 17th

NEWDA’s St Patrick’s PARTY at Illusions in Wolcott!
Sunday March 17, 2013
Dancing from 4:00 > 8:00pm with DJ ~ Matt
Mini Lesson at 4:30pm with Instr ~ Lynne Flanders

Coffee & Tea will be offered (FREE) at 7:30pm
Door prizes + a free gift for the first 75!!!
We appreciate your donations for our raffle.
Check out Illusions’ new Menu & Renovations! Their kitchen will be open for us!
Have Dinner with us! Cash Bar with GREEN drink specials!
(Please ~ No outside food or beverages <not even water>)
Cover = $9 NEWDA member / $11 non-member Doors open at 3:30pm

Illusions Dance Club & Restaurant
1639 Wolcott Rd, Wolcott, CT

(203) 879-4785