
Sunshine Get Well

sunshineArt Gagne

Be Delighted

Welcome Spring - let's DANCE!!!

8 days to daylight savings time – bring it on!!!

Training Re-Scheduled

The training class for the NEWDA board has been rescheduled for tomorrow March 5th.  Same place and time ..  Rockwell’s CT at 3:00.Typing_Keyboard

See you there…


Sunshine Corner

Note of sympathy for Darlene Harrigan.

Saturday Dance (February 5th) Cancelled!

Message from Joe Longo.

Hello Everyone

My suggestion would be to cancel the dance for Saturday. I was trying to wait to see how bad it will be. And it looks like we can get 3-5 inches as of tonight. so rather than prolong it can everyone do what they did for the last cancellation and put the notification out to everyone. It seamed to work well.

Thank you for your help.

NEWDA Web Training

There will be a training class for the NEWDA board members on 2/5/2011


Computing, Consulting & Training, LLC will be hosting a training class at Rockwell’s in Plainville of Saturday February 5th.  This class will be for the board members and committee chair persons for adding content to the NEWDA web site.

Stay tuned for additional information being shared as more people expand their ability to contribute to the NEWDA web site.

1000 Acres – Country Weekend

1000 Acres Spring Weekend

Get ready to have a real good time again at 1000 Acres Dude Ranch in Stony Creek, NY.  Dick Demarest will be hosting another “Just Gotta Country Dance” weekend at the 1000 Acres Ranch Resort.  The dates are May 13th – 15th (Friday through Sunday).

There will be plenty of activities including horse riding, dancing and maybe even a lesson or two.

Music will be provide by me – DJ Dennis.  Ready to play all your great requests.

The web site for 1000 Acres is:

Hope to see you out there!

Thank You!

Just a quick overall “Thank You” to everyone that has contributed to the dessert table and our raffles.  Times are tough, and it helps when everyone pitches in a little.  The response has been positive on the contributions.  Keep up the good work!Pot Luck Goodies

Welcome to the new NEWDA web site!

Welcome to the new site. Take a look around and let us know what you think. We are always looking at bringing you key information in a timely manner. The new web site will grant committee members the ability to post messages as they need to. No more waiting for someone else to update the site.