
Raffle and Refreshment

BIG THANKS to Sharon Pipke for her generous donation of a Digital Photo Frame for the Raffle table

Special thanks to our bakers and others for bringing in delicious treats for refreshments

NEWDA earns the Commander’s Award

Congratulations to all who contributed to the Toys for Tots at our November and December dances.  You helped NEWDA  earn this award.

Sympathy Card

Sympathy card sent to Paul and Susan Grenier

Sue’s mom passed away this March.

Sunshine Get Well

Best Wishes and Get Well to

Margaret Pelletier

Lots of fun at the March 5th dance.

Before the dance

Looking forward to dancingGetting in the Mardi Gras mood

Couples and lines

Couples dancing all night

 There was a great turnout for our last dance.  Come to the Franco

Getting ready for Mardi Gras

Getting into the Mardi Gras theme

American Club on March 19th and join in the fun.

March 5th Dance

Great attendance lended itself to a great dance night.  So nice to see the floor packed, and everyone with their Mardi Gras beads!!  Fun to see the child in a lot of us that tried to hide behind the mardi gras masks.  It was a festive environment, great music by our DJ Dennis Bosse, and special thanks to Tammy Bosse for stepping in to teach.  Hope to see you all March 19th at Franco Club.  Our DJ will be Aaron DeMarest, and Shirley McKittrick will teach us ‘Hello Dolly’.

Celebrate daylight savings time, and keep dancing!!Spring arriving

Raffle and Refreshment

Thank you to the five members that donated to the Raffle table.

Thank you to all that contributed to the Refreshment table.

NEWDA Board 2010 – 2011

Current NEWDA Board members

NEWDA Board 2010 - 2011

Raffle and Refreshments

Thank you to the five members that donated to our last dance held February 19, 2011.

Also, a big thank you to members contributing to the dessert table.

presidents message

Welcome members

As we enter the spring hope everyone survived this rough winter.

We want to thank everyone for the great support we got at our February 19 dance.

It would be nice to see this kind of support all the time. again if you can spread the word that NEWDA is a great club and we welcome all members.

As we enter our 2011 season we want to remind everyone to think about our election time in June. If there is anyone interested in running for a position on the Board please contact any of our current board members to discuss any of the positions that will be open. 

We wish everyone a Happy Healthy 2011 season.

Keep dancing…………