You will get 5 FREE raffle tickets at our next dance on May 7th at RockWells (aka Dance Hall) when you bring something for our dessert table. Members love donuts, cake, cookies, brownies or you can surprise us.
You will get 5 FREE raffle tickets at our next dance on May 7th at RockWells (aka Dance Hall) when you bring something for our dessert table. Members love donuts, cake, cookies, brownies or you can surprise us.
Pat and Jack David
Paula Bonin
Dick Demarest
Ginny and John Ferrucci
Our thoughts go out to them at this time with the loss of her dad.
THANKS – Sharon Pipke, Ginny and John Ferrucci, Al and Sue Barkley
THANKS to others who brought in raffle items, not leaving their names.
Gifts and Gift Certificates, which could be for Burger King, Dunkin Donuts, Rite Aid and other places, are placed on the Raffle Table each NEWDA dance for all to take a chance and win. Thanks and Good Luck!
Mike was both our DJ and our Instructor at the dance. We danced it 3 times during the night and that helped keep it in our heads and feet. It had everyone smiling.
Keep practicing and we can do Ding Dang again on April 16th.
Adding more businesses to the sponsor page.
Please contact Dick Demarest if you would like to become a NEWDA sponsor!
Thank You to all who contributed to the Raffle and those who volunteered to sell the tickets.
Congratulations to the winners!!!
At our April 2nd dance lots of dancers put extra effort into supplying us with treats.