
Next dance Sat. Sept. 10th

There will be a dance this coming Saturday at Rockwell’s/The Dance Hall in Plainville, CT.   Doors open at 6:30.   Dancing from 7PM to 11PM.  DJ- Aric Lemieux.   Instructor Shirley McKittrick.

Bring something for the dessert table and get 5 FREE raffle tickets.

Meet up with all the friends you missed during the summer.

Sunshine Cheer for Dennis

Card sent to Dennis Bosse

Prayers and well wishes go out to Dennis.  Hope he is not ill for too long and can have a complete recovery. 

Next dance August 6th.

The Summer Dance is  Sat, August 6 from 6:30pm – 11:00pm at Rockwell’s(Dance Hall) Woodford Ave Plainville, CT 

DJ is Mike Silva and Instructor is Paula Frohn

Annual dinner cancelled, dance will be held!!!

Not enough tickets were sold for the Annual Dinner and it was cancelled.    We are still having the dance on June 18th at the regular time, 6:30-11:00, at Rockwell’s(form​erly The Dance Hall) in Plainville with DJ Mike Silva and Instructor Paula Frohn.

Raffle Table

BIG THANKS for the wonderful donations to the

Raffle Table for the first dance of JUNE.

Thanks goes out to Margaret Pelletier, Sharon Manley, Sharon Pipke, Ginny and John Ferrucci.

5 free raffle tickets offered again!!!!


We had such a great response at the last dance that we are doing it again!!!

You will get 5 FREE raffle tickets at our next dance on May 21st  at RockWells (aka Dance Hall) when you bring something for our dessert table.  Members love donuts, cake, cookies, brownies or you can surprise us.

Raffle Table

Big thank you to those contributing to the Raffle table.  Loads of lovely flowers, gift certificates and other items to win.

Thank you Margaret Pelletier for your contribution.

Thank you Ginny and John Ferrucci for your contribution.

Sympathy Card

Card of Sympathy sent to Carol Haab and family

Sent card to Carol for the death of her father to be shared with her dancing sisters and family known to many NEWDA members.

                   PEACE and LOVE to all

Sympathy Card

Card of sympathy to Margo Huebner

as news was given on the passing of Jerry. 

Wishes for strength and peace at heart to Margo and family.

Come visit!! on Facebook

We’re on FACEBOOK! Pictures galour of the fun times we have. We are a happy, close knit group and there is always good times when we get together. Some of us are not camera shy, whether it is to take a photo, pose for a photo, or publish one. Visit us on Facebook, enjoy the photos, leave us a comment. Better yet – join us at our dances. Next dance is May 7th at Rockwell’s(The Dance Hall) in Plainville. Never know what is in store, especially with our decorations. I think a little ‘bunny’ told me we might have a ‘free’ Mother’s Day tribute and take home. Hope to see you there.