
Dining in style at the Christmas dance and more!!!

 The dance on December 17th brought out the Christmas spirit with camaraderie abounding.     And for those who only wanted dessert, the dessert table was overflowing with Christmas goodies. 

The table was so full that Tammy’s birthday cake did not fit on it.  So it was cut in the big room and passed out on plates.  Kevin’s birthday last dance and Tammy’s this dance, both with cakes, maybe we are starting a new tradition????? 

Thank You for the raffle donations!

Thank you to Sharon, Margaret, Eileen, Sue, Richard, Len & Ellen and all the others who have helped keep the raffle table full.

Get Well Soon!

Best wishes and get well soon to:

Bud Weymer and Sue Barkley.

Sunshine Corner


 Sympathy to Joanne Lynn for the loss of her Mother-in-law.  

 Continued prayers and best wishes for Dennis Bosse.

Toy Drive “Variation” at our Nov. & Dec. dances

Please donate a toy to your favorite charity or bring to a location that collects the toys for children in your area.  We can no longer collect toys at the dances in November and December because everyone, both members & non-members, have been so generous in the past that the toys do not fit in the car.

November 5th dance change in DJ & Instructor

DJ will be Michael Silva.   Instructor will be Paula Frohn.

Thank you to both for stepping in when needed.

NEWDA Dance November 5th

Put on your dancing boot and join us.

Saturday, November 5th, 2011

Doors open at 6:30pm dance until 11:00pm

Rockwell’s(Formerly the Dance Hall) Woodford Ave Plainville, CT

Dance DJ – Dennis Bosse Instructor – Millie Gagne


Condolences to Peter Matera on the loss of his mother.

 Prayers for Joe Longo’s mother in the hospital.

 Continued thoughts, prayers and best wishes for Dennis Bosse.

Thank you for the dessert donations.


At our October 1st dance we had home made baked goods, donuts and lots of chocolate.

Come dance with us October 1st.

Saturday October 1st NEWDA is having a dance at Rockwell’s (the Dance Hall) on Woodford Avenue in Plainville, CT.   Doors open at 6:30 with dancing until 11:00PM.

Mike Germon is the DJ.

You still get 5 FREE raffle tickets for contributing to the refreshments table. Just tell us when you get your admission ticket. I would also like to thank the people who contributed to the last raffle I saw the winners smiling.